So I thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to take the plunge: I'll start my own blog. Wouldn't it be nice if I could quickly post a thought or two about my current job-related obsession? About my long-running love affair with computers and technology? About politics and current events... no, maybe not that.
There is, of course, the pretension that somebody will actually read this stuff. That would be great! I guess I should let Mom and Dad know about it... A famous Italian novelist used to joke about his "twentyfive readers". In my case, this would be a wild exaggeration; a couple of readers would be nice though... Bottom line: if you stumble upon this blog, feel free to peruse the Comments section.
Also, quite a few famous economists (more! and more!) have been writing successful blogs. Again, I don't dare hope to have even a fraction of their readership. After all, I may be an economist, but I'm certainly not famous, by any stretch of the imagination. I do hope though that, should an economist happen to drop by, he or she won't feel like this blog is the sort of thing that gives economics a bad name...
In short, I apologize in advance to any and all. I'll try to keep my posts short; I'd like to promise they will be frequent and entertaining, but I don't know yet whether I'll have the required energy and motivation. This is very much an experiment, so please be patient.
Thank you for tuning in, and see you soon!
There is, of course, the pretension that somebody will actually read this stuff. That would be great! I guess I should let Mom and Dad know about it... A famous Italian novelist used to joke about his "twentyfive readers". In my case, this would be a wild exaggeration; a couple of readers would be nice though... Bottom line: if you stumble upon this blog, feel free to peruse the Comments section.
Also, quite a few famous economists (more! and more!) have been writing successful blogs. Again, I don't dare hope to have even a fraction of their readership. After all, I may be an economist, but I'm certainly not famous, by any stretch of the imagination. I do hope though that, should an economist happen to drop by, he or she won't feel like this blog is the sort of thing that gives economics a bad name...
In short, I apologize in advance to any and all. I'll try to keep my posts short; I'd like to promise they will be frequent and entertaining, but I don't know yet whether I'll have the required energy and motivation. This is very much an experiment, so please be patient.
Thank you for tuning in, and see you soon!
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